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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Retouch Photo

Now, time to retouch the objects.
I've already cropped the other dancer images and arranged them

To retouch image, each person has different style. Some people often to use Brightness and Contrast to adjust the lighting, some people use Level, and maybe the others use Curve or etc. It depends what is feel that we want to put into that image.

In this case, I'm gonna put a kind of elegance feel to the dancer images.

First, duplicate all the dancer-cropped layer.

then, change front layer style to "Hard Light"

Now the contrast of the image is more strong than before, it gives attraction to people at the first glance.

Do the same step to the others.

Then, I'm gonna put a 'depth' between the object.

Blur the dancer at the back. Give the more blur for the very back dancer.

Adjust the Level, Curve, Color Balance, or etc. (Image > Adjustment)

Then, adjust the Vibrance (Image > Adjustment) to reduce the color strength.

Well, this is the way that I always use to retouch images that separately before.
Hope, it's help you to know the Photoshop tools more. Bye for now.

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