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Sunday, October 17, 2010

E-Wallpaper - Indonesian Traditional Dance Festival (Selection Tool)

Alright Folks, the first tool that I'm gonna show is Selection Tool (Magnetic Selection Tool). I'd love and often to use this tool to select some objects and makes me easy to modify them. This is a really basic tool to use Photoshop, also can combine with another tool to make it more functional. In this case I will combine with Pen Tool.

Okay, my E-Wallpaper is about Indonesian Traditional Dance Festival. So, the first step is Select the Jaipong Dancer from Indonesia to become one of the object.

Ctrl + N / File > New. to open new document.

 This is the document setting for this Wallpaper.

Here the picture that I took from

There are 3 kind of selection tool that can be used, I prefer to use Magnetic Selection Tool in this case because the background is just not complicated at all.

Follow the outline of the object until it surrounded whole. It will produce the dots and become a point of the line, if the dot ain't suppose at the place press Backspace Key to delete the previous dot.

After all the dots already connected. They will be become dash-line and surrounded the object. It means the object has been selected.

Now, I'm gonna un-select the area under the dancer's armpit. We need to use Pen Tool as un-select tool.

Follow the outline of the area like using Magnetic Selection Tool. But, in this time we need to select manually. It doesn't stick to the outline. So, try to produce the dots often.

Right Click > Make Selection

Make Selection Window will be appeared. Input 0 in Feather Radius. It means the selection tolerance value is 0. So, the selection will be really strict based on the selection that I've just made.

Select Subtract from Selection. Means it will subtracts from the selection that I've made with Magnetic Selection Tool before. Press OK.

See, now I've selected the entire body of Jaipong Dancer already.

Then it can be modified, change the color correction, hue, saturation, vibrance, level, curve, etc. without giving affect to the background.

It also can be moved. We need Move Tool (V) to move the object. It can be moved to everywhere (of course just in the photoshop area la :P) even to another canvas. Just with drag the object.

Okay, at least I've given the really basic about Selection Tool, it is really important tool to start using Photoshop. Later I will explain more.

Next post is will be about Layer. Keep update to my blog folks. Well, bye for now!


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